Blog: Chair Yoga & Senior Health
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Does Chair Yoga Work for Losing Weight? FREE Printable Chair Yoga for Weight Loss pdf
Lose 15 pounds and get a flat stomach in one month with chair yoga… just kidding! It’s not that simple. However, chair yoga can still be a powerful tool in maintaining a healthy weight.
Learn how, and download our FREE printable chair yoga for weight loss guide and BONUS guided mindful eating meditation!
Chair Yoga Exercises for Seniors with Heart Conditions: Do’s and Don'ts
Learn how to practice chair yoga safely with high blood pressure or a heart condition.
Plus, download a FREE printable pdf chair yoga guide with a bonus 28-day chair yoga challenge!
15 Benefits of Chair Yoga for Seniors
What is chair yoga? Does chair yoga really work? Are there any risks? Is it ever too late to start yoga?
Read about the top 15 benefits of chair yoga for seniors and get a few tips for getting started.
What Can Seniors Do to Improve Memory? Top 5 Memory Exercises for Seniors
Learn how do to 6 effective, brain training techniques to improve your memory skills.
Plus, download a FREE Printable Brain Games pdf for you to download, packed full of fun brain activities to improve your memory and cognitive health!
How do You Keep Your Mind Sharp as You Age? 6 Tips to Prevent Cognitive Decline
Some loss of memory skills is completely normal as we get older and is no cause for concern. However, significant memory loss and changes in cognitive abilities are a cause for concern and something we'd all like to avoid.
The good news is that there is a good amount of scientific evidence to support simple lifestyle changes that have the power to improve brain health and decrease the risk of dementia.
Top 10 Chair Yoga Exercises for Seniors with Chronic Low Back Pain
Learn step-by-step how to do the top 10 beginner yoga poses for low back pain.
Plus, download a FREE printable pdf chair yoga guide with a bonus 28-day chair yoga challenge!
Chronic Low Back Pain in Older Adults: Causes & Holistic Treatment Options
"What can I do about my bad back?"
This is one of the most common questions I am asked as a chair yoga instructor for older adults, and it makes sense. It is estimated that anywhere from 21-75% of individuals age 60+ experience lower back pain!