Does Chair Yoga Work for Losing Weight? FREE Printable Chair Yoga for Weight Loss pdf
If you're reading this blog at the time of posting, we just rang in 2025. Many of us start the New Year with goals to improve our fitness, lose weight, or get a "flat stomach". However, if you're an older adult or someone with limited mobility, you might find that traditional yoga classes and workouts aren't accessible. You might have heard of chair yoga before and wondered if it could support your weight loss journey.
As a yoga teacher specializing in chair yoga for seniors, I can confidently say that, yes, chair yoga can be a powerful tool in healthy weight management. But... there's a catch. It's not as simple as practicing a few seated stretches for 15 minutes a day and expecting to see a change on the scale. It's important to make sure that your chair yoga program is specifically designed to help achieve weight loss. It's also equally important to understand that chair yoga (like any workout) is only one ingredient in a holistic approach to losing weight. In other words, you also need to pay attention to your habits and lifestyle outside of the time you spend on the mat.
Feeling overwhelmed? Don't worry. Today, we'll walk through the top 10 chair yoga exercises for weight loss and answer your burning questions, such as:
Does chair yoga burn calories?
Can chair yoga reduce belly fat?
How often should you practice chair yoga for weight loss?
I've also created a FREE printable chair yoga pdf guide and a 28-day chair yoga weight loss challenge to help support your fitness goals in the New Year. Click to download your copy, and take the first step toward your dream body!
Disclaimer: I am not a healthcare professional. The purpose of this article is to provide general information for public consumption and is not meant to substitute for medical advice. Please consult a doctor prior to making significant changes in your diet, lifestyle, or exercise regimen.
Can I lose weight doing chair yoga?
Seated exercises might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about a weight loss program for senior citizens. And this certainly makes sense.
While chair yoga can be a great way to improve flexibility, balance, and even strength, it certainly isn't a form of exercise that is going to burn a lot of calories. One hour of chair yoga might burn 50-200 calories depending on the intensity and your body size. That will barely make up for one can of soda or bag of chips.
So how can you lose weight with chair yoga?
Tone your body
First, the desired look that most people have in mind when they say they want to lose weight isn't just about having a low body fat percentage. Without muscle, significant weight loss will just make you look emaciated. On the flipside, a strong body will often have that lean and toned look people aspire to even at a higher body fat percentage.
Chair yoga is a great way for seniors to improve strength and maintain muscle mass even while losing weight. By focusing on seated strengthening exercises, you might not have to lose as much weight as you think you do in order to like what you see in the mirror.
Reduce stress
Aside from wanting to get more flexible, the number one reason I hear beginners cite for wanting to start yoga is stress management. Interestingly enough, finding your zen is probably one of the most underrated things you can do to support your weight loss goals. Why?
One word: cortisol. This stress hormone undermines our weight loss goals in several ways. First, cortisol can increase water retention and inflammation in the body. This can make you feel more puffy and bloated even if you haven't gained any fat.
Second, chronically elevated cortisol levels can lead to metabolic changes that increase fat storage, particularly in the abdominal region. This should set off alarm bells, as visceral fat (aka belly fat) is the type of fat that is most associated with an elevated risk for diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Finally, cortisol increases ghrelin, the hunger hormone. Hello, stress eating! There's a reason we feel the urge to order pizza or have a bowl of ice cream for dinner when we're feeling stressed. Ghrelin can make us feel more hungry and can increase cravings for highly palatable foods that are typically low in nutrition. For this reason, keeping your stress in check is an essential ingredient to sticking to your diet.
Support healthy habits
Chair yoga is different from other senior fitness classes, because it incorporates mindfulness. Not only can mindful movement and meditation practice help you lower stress levels (the benefits of which we've already discussed), but they can also help you make better lifestyle choices.
It's easy to start the day or the week with all the best intentions of sticking to your workout and diet plan. But what happens when life gets in the way? Maybe you have a retirement party to attend or your grandkids come to visit. All of a sudden you have to miss a workout and are tempted by indulgent food you might not normally eat.
Mindfulness can help you bring more awareness into your daily activities and make more conscious decisions that are in alignment with your goals and values. For instance, rather than giving up on your chair yoga practice altogether because you had to miss a class or two, you can have the perspective to simply return to your practice when you are able. Instead of having one slice of pizza or cake at a party and deciding to binge eat the rest of the day, you could pair it with some fruits or vegetables to help satisfy your appetite with more nutritious foods.
In short, with regular practice, mindfulness can help make exercise and healthy eating easier and more sustainable in the long term.
Cultivate self-compassion
As a final point, I want to highlight the fact that our motivation to lose weight is often derived from a place of self-criticism. Especially for us women, we look at our thighs or stomachs that are too pudgy for our liking. We look at our stretch marks, wrinkles, or sagging skin and wish we looked thinner or younger. And it's from a place of self-hate that we decide to lose weight.
But here's the truth. Yes, obesity comes with increased health risks however, it is only one determinant of health. Being underweight, being malnourished, being chronically stressed can do just as much if not more harm to our bodies than a few extra pounds that we might not like the look of.
In contrast, yoga can teach help us approach exercise and nutrition from a place of self-love. You show up on your yoga mat because you know your practice will improve your mood and give you the strength to live life fully and independently for longer. You eat more healthy foods because you want to provide your body with energy and nourishment. Over time, these healthy habits might lead to weight loss as a side effect. But by the time you get there, you might find that you love and accept yourself enough that it doesn't really matter.
My point is not to shame anyone for having aesthetic goals for your body. Before continuing with the rest of the article, I simply want to encourage you to think of your weight loss journey, instead, as a health journey. See if you can reframe your motivation to "lose weight" as something you want to do as an act of self-care rather than an act of punishment.
Top 8 chair yoga exercises for weight loss
#1 Chair Sun Salutations
Sun salutations, or surya namaskar in Sanskrit, are included toward the beginning of almost every yoga class. Why? They help increase your heart rate and warm up your muscles. If your goal is to lose weight, another one of the benefits of sun salutations is that they increase the calorie burn of your yoga session.
However, the traditional version of this full-body warm-up can be difficult and even dangerous for many senior citizens. Sun salutations can be modified to be more accessible using a chair. Two chair yoga variations of sun salutations exist, one seated and one standing. The standing variation is better for weight loss however, if this variation is not well-suited to your body's needs, you can practice seated sun salutations instead.
Steps to Practice:
Place your chair at the top of your yoga mat with the seat facing toward you.
Bring your palms together in front of your chest and stand with your spine straight in tadasana, or mountain pose.
Inhale, lift both arms up and overhead, and let your chest melt forward.
Exhale, place your hands on the seat of the chair. Keep your gaze forward and your legs straight as you bend your elbows, fold forward, and shift your weight into the heels of your feet.
Inhale, straighten through the arms and keep your gaze forward.
Exhale step back into a plank pose. Engage through your core and keep your shoulders in line over your wrists.
Inhale, drop your hips down, and pull your chest forward. Keep your gaze in front of you and press your shoulders away from your ears.
Exhale, press your hips up and back into a downward-facing dog with your feet flat on the ground. If your hamstrings are tight, you can keep your knees bent. Just try to keep your back straight, creating one long line of extension from your hips all the way to your fingertips. Hold for 3-5 breaths.
Inhale, step forward keeping your hands on the seat of the chair. Lengthen through the upper body and keep your gaze forward.
Exhale, bend your elbows and shift the weight of your body in the back of your heels.
Inhale, stand up tall and bring both hands up and overhead.
Exhale, bring your palms back to center into mountain pose. Repeat this sequence 2-5 times.
#2 Chair Warrior I
One of the best chair yoga poses to build strength in your thighs is warrior I. Similar to sun salutations, there are both standing and seated options for chair warrior I. However, if it's accessible the standing variation of this pose is more effective for building strength and muscle tone in the legs.
Steps to Practice:
Place the chair at the top of your yoga mat with the backrest facing toward you. Hold onto the back of the chair for balance.
Set your right foot down at the front of the mat in line with the right leg of the chair and bring your left foot to the back of the mat in line with the left leg of the chair.
Inhale, engage through your core muscles, curling your tailbone in.
Exhale, and lunge into the front right knee. If you feel steady, you can lift your left hand up and overhead, continuing to onto the back of the chair with your right hand.
Hold for 3-5 slow, deep breaths and repeat on the other side.
#3 Chair Warrior II
Where there is a warrior I, there must be a warrior II! Like warrior I, warrior II is an excellent pose for building strength in the quads. However, it also works to build strength in the glutes and hips. Like all the standing poses in this sequence, warrior II also has a low-impact seated variation that's more gentle on the joints. However, the standing version of chair warrior II is best for burning fat and building muscle.
Steps to Practice:
Place the chair at the top of your yoga mat with the back facing toward you. Hold onto the back of the chair with your right hand.
Set your right foot to the top of the mat in the center line of the chair, & bring your left foot back with the outer edge of the foot parallel to the back of the mat. Align the heel of your front foot with the arch of your back foot.
Inhale, engage through your core muscles, curling your tailbone in.
Exhale, lunge into the front right knee, and extend your left arm toward the back of the mat, keeping your shoulders level.
Hold for 3-5 slow, deep breaths and repeat on the other side.
#4 Seated Good Mornings
If you've ever lifted weights, you've probably heard of "good mornings". However, you may not know that this exercise can also be practiced sitting in a chair. Seated good mornings are a great way to build strength in your glutes and back muscles. Not only will this lead to improved posture, but it will also help create an hourglass or v-back shape in your body.
Steps to Practice:
Come to sit in your chair with your feet firmly rooted on the ground, and place your hands behind your head with your elbows wide.
Inhale, lengthen through your spine, and pull your chest forward slightly.
Exhale, lower your chest down to your thighs, keeping your spine long and gaze forward.
Inhale, lift your chest up to the starting position. Repeat this exercise for 5-10 repetitions.
#5 Seated Oblique Dips
Getting a "flat stomach" requires more than just doing sit-ups. The core isn't limited to the rectus abdominis muscles (aka the muscles that make up a six-pack). It also includes your obliques and back muscles, both of which are essential for good posture, balance, and mobility. If you want to get that look of a sculpted core, you need to work these muscles as well. Seated oblique dips are a great and accessible way for you to build strength in the side of your core as an older adult.
Steps to Practice:
Come to sit in your chair with your feet firmly rooted on the ground, and place your hands behind your head with your elbows wide.
Inhale, create length in the spine, and squeeze through the muscles in your belly.
Exhale, keeping your hand behind your head, lean over toward the right side. Make sure you're not rolling your chest inward. Hold this pose for 3-5 breaths.
Inhale, come out of the post, and repeat the same sequence on the left side.
#6 Seated Oblique Twists
Seated oblique twists are a more active approach to the chair yoga variation of marichyasana, or sage twist pose. This pose will not only build strength in your obliques, but it will provide a delicious stretch through your thoracic spine.
Steps to Practice.
Come to sit in your chair with your feet firmly rooted on the ground, and place your hands behind your head with your elbows wide.
Inhale, create length through the spine.
Exhale, use the muscles of your core to twist your over toward the right side of your chair. Hold for 3-5 breaths, staying active the whole time.
Exhale, come back to center, and repeat the same sequence on the right side.
#7 Seated Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are the definition of a comprehensive exercise. Almost all the muscles in your core are working in this movement, and this seated variation makes bicycle crunches accessible for yogis of all ages and abilities.
Steps to Practice:
Come to sit in your chair with your knees wide, and your feet firmly rooted on the ground. Place your hands behind your head with your elbows wide.
Inhale, create length through the spine.
Exhale, lift your left knee up, and crunch in, trying to bring your right elbow and opposite knee to touch.
Inhale, come back to the starting position.
Repeat the same movement on the other side, bringing the left elbow to the right knee. Alternate sides, and complete 5-10 repetitions on each side.
#8 Chair Boat Pose
One more ab exercise and we're done. You'll definitely be filling this chair yoga session tomorrow! To finish off we'll practice chair navasana, or boat pose. This pose is excellent for strengthening your "six-pack" muscles and has both beginner and advanced options. Even if you're able to do the advanced version of chair boat pose, I recommend starting with the beginner level first to warm up.
Make sure to come out of the pose immediately if you feel any tension in the lower back. Remember it's yoga, not the circus! You don't need to impress anyone, you just need to do what feels good for your body.
Steps to Practice:
Come to sit in your chair with your feet firmly rooted on the ground.
Inhale, hold onto the bottom of the chair for stability.
Exhale, curl your chin into your chest, as if you were doing a crunch, and try to lift your right knee to touch your forehead. Hold this position for 3-5 breaths.
Inhale, release the pose, and repeat the same sequence on the left side.
After completing both sides, you have the option to try lifting both knees at the same time.
Once you finish this final pose. You can take a short savasana, sitting in your chair or lying down on a comfortable surface with your eyes closed for as long as you like. For more tips on how to practice savasana, you can refer to my previous blog post.
#9 BONUS: Mindful Eating
As I mentioned earlier, exercise isn't everything when it comes to weight loss. You can practice chair yoga every day, but it won't make a difference if you throw it away in the kitchen. Still, I'm not a fan of fad diets or food restrictions. So what do?
One of my number one tips for healthy eating is to have mindful meals. But what does mindful eating actually mean? It's not as fancy as it sounds. Just try, when possible, to be present while you're eating. Don't distract yourself with TV or work. Instead, eat slowly, savor each bite, and try to really pay attention to the smell, taste, and texture of your food. Notice when you start to feel satisfied, and stop when your stomach is about 80% full.
You might notice that the simple act of slowing down and bringing awareness to the process of eating results in your eating a little less than you typically might and making healthier choices about what you put on your plate.
If you'd like a more structured introduction to this practice, I've also included a private link to a mindful eating guided meditation in the printable 28-chair yoga weight loss challenge included as a part of this blog post. Click here to download.
Grab your FREE printable chair yoga for weight loss pdf
Are you ready to reclaim your health and achieve your weight loss goals? Well, I have great news for you!
I've created a FREE printable chair yoga guide for seniors aiming to maintain a healthy weight. This guide includes step-by-step instructions and pictures, walking you through each of the poses and practices outlined in this article. PLUS, you'll also get a 28-day chair yoga weight loss challenge to help keep you motivated and accountable.
Ready to have a reason to smile when you step on the scale? Click the button below to download your FREE printable chair yoga for seniors pdf!
Let's stay in touch!
I'm so glad you found your way to my blog and sincerely hope you found this post helpful. Here at Haiden's Yoga Practice, it's my mission to promote wellness for seniors. I share regular blog posts teaching different chair yoga poses and discussing various topics related to senior health. Join my newsletter to be notified anytime new content goes live and to get more free chair yoga guides delivered straight to your inbox!
As always, if you have any questions, feedback, or would like me to cover a specific health topic, you can email me directly at
To learn more about my paid chair yoga and mindfulness services for senior citizens, you can visit my website or book a FREE consult call to learn more about how we can work together to achieve your goals:
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Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. I wish you a wonderful rest of your day, filled with mindfulness and ease.